Breast Imaging Group

Breast Imaging Group

If you want to beat breast cancer, think BIG!

BIG, the Breast Imaging Group is a collaborative research group with the prime ambition of beating breast cancer by better diagnosis and minimal invasive therapy.

BIG aims to achieve this by investigation of (new) imaging techniques for screening, assessment, and staging of breast cancer; development and evaluation of automated image analysis techniques; and assessment of image guided minimal invasive therapy options. The potential impact of these innovations on both patients and caregivers is also investigated to facilitate implementation. The job is only done when patients can benefit from our innovations in regular care.

Since BIG aims to bring novel techniques from the lab to the patient, a major strength is the collaboration with pre-clinical research groups.

In particular, there is a strategic cooperation with AXTI - the advanced x-ray tomographic imaging lab, which also has a strong focus on breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, DIAG - the diagnostic image analysis group -, and MUSIC - the medical ultrasound imaging center – are essential partners. Many of the researchers affiliated to BIG are attached to either of these labs. In addition, there is a strong connection of BIG to the clinical partners within the Radboudumc breast cancer chain and there is a strategic partnership with the department of radiology of the Netherlands Cancer Institute.

In addition, BIG collaborates with many industry partners. This is driven by the idea that for novel techniques development and implementation beyond the experimental phase is impossible without commercial interest, although novel techniques must undergo thorough clinical validation before being brought to the market. In these studies, we focus on the potential window of opportunity within breast cancer care for any given technique, taking into account its diagnostic or therapeutic potential, the potential for harm caused by the technique, and the associated costs in relation to potential alternatives for the task.

The BIG team consists of people with wide-ranging backgrounds, ranging from mathematics to medicine, and from biomedical engineering to clinical epidemiology, in order to achieve these challenging tasks. Research within BIG is funded by various sources, such as ZonMW, KWF, the European Union, EFRO/OP-Oost, and industry grants.

Our common mantra:

To beat breast cancer, think BIG

The Breast Imaging Group (BIG) is part of the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, the Netherlands and is chaired by dr. Ritse Mann



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